Jake IntelliSource

About Jake Donahue

As President of IntelliSource, Jake carries out the IntelliSource mission, vision, and values across all areas of the business. His strategic focus areas include the execution of our short and long-range goals, fiscal profitability, internal operations, external relationships, and the overall health of the organization.

SMART Goal Setting and Action Planning

How often do you set goals and see them through to the end? It can sometimes be difficult to keep motivation for completing objectives with everything that happens in our day to day lives. Using the tried and true S.M.A.R.T. method of goal setting, you can prepare and accomplish any goal!

Avoiding Turnover By Being a Great Boss

People say that you don't quit jobs, you quit the boss. There are some terrible bosses out there who will take up people's time and show no appreciation for what their employees contribute. On the other side of the coin, there are great bosses whom work everyday to grow their team to be as successful as possible. Here are a few things you can do to avoid losing your best employees by being a great boss.

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