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About KaDee Holt

KaDee has been with IntelliSource since 2015. She oversees marketing and innovations for the organization. She actively works with all business units at IntelliSource and collaborates closely with partners to create innovative operational ideas combined with technology solutions. This collaboration strengthens partnerships and promotes business growth across the organization.

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Leaders

The year is almost over and the new year is coming fast. New Year's resolutions can help you to focus on both personal and business goals by setting them and sticking to them. Leaders can also use New Year's resolutions to set goals for growth. Here are five resolutions we think leaders should set for themselves this new year!

Ways to Help Your Community

The recent events caused by COVID-19 continue to affect communities across the United States. You may be thinking, how can I help your fellow human beings during this time of social distancing? It doesn't always take a lot of work to make a difference! There are a few simple ways that can help you to have a positive effect on the community.

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