In Action

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Case Study

HQ Relocation Assistance

+ Uninterrupted Operations

Created a demand for a customized recruitment solution to handle all hiring at new HQ location and assist in temporary office space acquisition until new HQ was approved for occupancy

  • Business Process Outsourcing
  • Total Talent Management

  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing

  • IS Accelerator


Candidates were sourced and hired
Avg hourly rate for roles hired (from $15/hr to $96/hr)
Timeframe from SOW signed to completed project


This customer was relocating their HQ office over the course of 6-months. We exceeded timeline expectations with no interruption in business operations, while hiring a full new workforce so relocations could walk into working office on the go-live date. They chose to partner with IntelliSource because we understand sourcing and staffing is more than filling a position. Our model has a unique focus on the downstream effects of hiring the right person in the right role and seeking both a cultural and professional match ensuring a path of success.


Plumbing and HVAC


The company’s current talent and HR teams were overwhelmed with relocation assistance of current workforce and did not have experience hiring high-volume in a short amount of time. The project’s demand was a variety of roles including customer service representatives, sales executives, production and facilities management, and logistics professionals. Most importantly, our client wanted to operate as their company in the new market to begin employee brand awareness and employer recognition.


Full relocation was successful and new HQ team was operational on Day 1 of occupancy


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