5 Signs Your Company Culture Is Going Astray

The pulse of your company is within the culture of your business. Excellent company culture creates a feeling of trust and understanding with your employees. This feeling helps to show them that they are a part of something more significant within the company. However, there can be times when your people don’t feel that trust in their jobs. How can you tell when your company’s culture is going astray?

The Power of Attention & Mindfulness

Have you ever had your attention taken from accomplishing a task you deemed important? Distractions are everywhere but how do you respond and complete your goals? You can accomplish anything by controlling your attention rather than your time!

Managing and Facilitating Change in The Workplace

When making the change to an open and positive culture within your groups, the leaders you choose must believe in your message to cascade its merits and enroll those needed to implement and adopt the change.

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