Holiday employee engagement is something that can drive a company culture to greatness and help motivate your people to continue to push forward. It’s no different during the holidays, and within your leadership team, you should work to spice up your typical engagement plans for the holidays!


Decorating your offices

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work, so it makes sense to try to make the space as festive and exciting as possible. With the upcoming holidays, it’s the perfect excuse to get the decorations out. Use the time to be creative with your teams and decorating the office and desks with holiday cheer.

End of Year Recognition Awards

Recognition plays a massive part in how your people feel appreciated within your office, and making sure they know they are valued is simple and effective. Not everyone likes to be recognized in the same manner, so get to know your people and what they appreciate. Whether public or private, aligning with the person’s goals will show that you care about them. It could be something as simple as telling them “great job”. Other times it may take something bigger such as a promotion or monetary awards. The point is to be personal with whatever recognition you plan to give. 

Personalized Holiday Greetings

Handwritten notes are a rarity in the digital age. It may seem like a small thing to write a custom holiday card, but it can help show your care and interest beyond just work-related recognitions. The larger your team may be, the harder it can be for everyone to know what one another does. Writing a more personalized note will help connect you to your team. Don’t just write the same thing for everyone. Instead, use your knowledge and skills in EQ to find the currency of your employees and deliver it accordingly.

End of Year Summary and New Year Preparation

Your company has had a great year, and it is essential to let your employees know where you finished, what went well and how to improve for the next year. Employees will feel more inspired and integrated into your company if they understand the difference they are making in the company. Talk about how they affected the year positively. Start thinking about good new year’s resolutions for you team to incorporate and make measurable goals for the future!


These holiday employee engagement ideas are just a few things you can do as a leadership team this holiday season to show your employees you care. Whatever you do, remember that authenticity and effort can take your engagement from standard to amazing and personal!