Mark IntelliSource

About Mark Silvius

Co-founder of IntelliSource, Mark brings over 30 years of progressive management experience. Mark has held many responsibilities including corporate guidance and oversite for teams and facilities located across North America, ensuring accurate and successful delivery of services, overseeing all facets of customer engagement, actively driving strategic partnership by managing change management and vendor transitions, and introducing best practices to our teams and our customers.

Standing out from the Crowd on LinkedIn

Standing out on LinkedIn can be difficult if your profile is not up to par with your peers and having a strong profile can be a differentiating factor when applying for those top-level jobs. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your profile and stand out from the crowd. Here are some of the steps you can take to improve your profile and stand out from the crowd.

By |2024-09-20T21:34:28+00:00|Spark, Technology|0 Comments
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