How Marketing Helps You to Recruit and Hire Quickly

Marketing is a potent tool for companies looking to hire top talent. It creates the distinction of your brand for potential employees. It shares your story and culture with the masses. In an increasingly digital space, reaching people to get them to apply to your jobs is critical. How is your company utilizing marketing for hiring?

Three Tips to Avoid Making Mistakes When Hiring

One of the most important things you do as a business is hiring employees. It may sound easy. Read a resume, have an interview, and boom! A brand new employee awaits. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and it takes more work to find quality employees who can add to your company's success. With the unemployment rate at a low 3.6% in January 2020, quality candidates are in the best position as they can choose which companies to join. IntelliSource has years of experience with finding the right hire for a job, and we have a few tips to help your searches.

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