5 Reasons People Lose Motivation

Driving yourself to complete goals takes work and success can often seem a distant idea if you get into the wrong mindset. Losing your path means losing your motivation and missing on that success so it is essential to be aware of potential pitfalls that could distract you. Here are five of those pitfalls for you to consider and navigate past to avoid losing your motivation.

By |2020-07-14T14:00:16+00:00|People, Spark|0 Comments

Five Ways For Veterans to Find Great Jobs

The United States is defended every day by the men and women of our military. These brave people often risk their lives to help ensure our country stays free and safe from those who want to do us harm. As a veteran making the transition into civilian life, what can you do to put yourself in the best position for success? Here are five ways veterans can find a job and start their new civilian career!

By |2020-07-14T14:00:16+00:00|People, Spark|0 Comments
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